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Insights designed to help you to understand the threats you face and overcome some of the core challenges facing the industry.

CASM Case Study

A group of nine local authorities wanted to understand and benchmark the risk of cyber attacks to London local authorities,

CASM Ebook
How to gain visibility and simplify security in a chaotic landscape

Learn how to reduce information overload and prioritise threats, gain insights into understanding the modern attack surface, viewing your organisation

CASM Data Sheet

Learn more about Continuous Attack Surface Management (CASM) - key outcomes, features and benefits of our proactive human driven service.

A strategic guide to implementing attack surface monitoring

As cyber threats evolve, the importance of attack surface monitoring has never been clearer. In today’s interconnected world, businesses face

The most effective attack surface management tools and techniques

The ability to manage and monitor your attack surface is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. The rapid expansion of

ASM vs CASM: understanding the key differences

There is a pressing need to protect an organisation’s digital assets against cyber-attacks and it has never been more critical.

The importance of continuous attack surface management in cyber security

In today’s interconnected world, cyber threats continue to evolve at a rapid pace. As businesses grow more reliant on digital

Navigate mergers and acquisitions with CASM

Executive leadership teams aren't the only ones keenly aware that a merger or acquisition marks a vulnerable period. Attackers understand

The critical risk in DORA financial regulations

Supply chain attacks are a growing concern, particularly within the financial sector, with attackers increasingly using key technology suppliers as

The Evolution of Supplier Risk Management

Recent supply chain attacks, from SolarWinds to 3CX and MOVEit, illustrate the impact that can occur when a single widely
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